Monday, March 25, 2013

Term 1, Week 8

Ask your child about the game we played called "E-mallow"

A video we have been discussing...

 Our dragon paintings from the other week are now displayed if you would like to come and view them.

Our latest Wall Of Fame person...

Room 5 were asked the question:  How can we save ourselves* from the rubbish problem?
*Ourselves meaning "humans"

Here are the best Room 5 ideas:
Caspar - We could recycle stuff instead of just dumping it.
Seth - We could reuse more.
Laken - We could put all the water under the Earth in tanks and then fill the gaps in the Earth with rubbish.
Cody - We could reduce the amount of plastic and paper we buy.
Grace - We could start making stuff out of the rubbish we have.
Asher - We could buy more things off trade me.
Sophia - Stop asking your mum for toys.
Seth - Grow your own food.
Mikaela - Only buy what we need.
Siobhan - Ask the government to stop some of the factories.
Liam/Lauchlan - make your own lollies and food.
Jessica - Appreciate what you have.
(awesome advice Jessica.) - Mr.E

Our display from last week's shared book:
Come in and read the children's opinions on the sheep.